Akcie Virgin Galactic: Investovat v Roce 2025 do Vesmíru, nebo Ne?
If you want to invest in a leader in space tourism, you should definitely take a look at Virgin Galactic shares.
The British billionaire and tycoon Richard Branson is behind this company, and in this overview, we will look at how to buy Virgin Galactic shares.
In addition, we will also discuss what exactly Virgin Galactic is, whether it is worth investing in the company, and much more!
First, however, we will introduce how to acquire Virgin Galactic shares. A detailed overview and analysis of these shares can be found in the second part of the article.
How to buy Virgin Galactic shares
Want to buy Virgin Galactic shares? First, you’ll need to find a suitable broker with low fees and the lowest possible commissions.
Based on our test of the best brokers for buying shares, we recommend eToro.
Follow the 4 quick steps below and start buying Virgin Galactic shares within 5 minutes.
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Best Brokers for Buying Virgin Galactic Shares
1. eToro
- Overall best stock trading platform
Probably the easiest and most recommended broker for buying Virgin Galactic shares is eToro. It is the best overall platform for trading over 2,400 stocks from both US and international markets.
You can trade on the web platform or through their mobile app. If you are new to trading, you have access to several educational resources as well as their best feature, copy trades .
Copy trading on eToro allows you to invest and create the same trading positions as popular traders and investors.
Choose which investor you want to copy or choose from a collection of specific copy traders. If that's not enough for you, you also have access to a demo account that provides $100,000 in virtual capital. This feature makes it easy to learn new trading techniques and test your strategies.
eToro trading fees:
Fees | Price |
Stock trading fee | 1$ |
Forex trading fee | Spread, 2.1 pips for GBP/USD |
Cryptocurrency trading fee | Spread, 0.75% for Bitcoin |
Inactivity fee | $10 per month after one year |
Withdrawal fee | 5 dollars |
{etoroCFDrisk} % retailových investorů došlo ke vzniku ztráty.
2. Capital.com
- Best online broker for trading with artificial intelligence
If you want a broker with tight spreads and zero commission, look no further than Capital.com.
According to our reviews, it is the best online broker for trading based on artificial intelligence. It is also one of the best forex trading platforms with over 140 currency pairs that can be traded with leverage up to 30:1. It is not one of the only platforms for trading with leverage, but it is one of the best regulated.
The minimum deposit starts at just $100, as you easily monitor your positions with clear and defined stop limits that allow you to close positions when they reach or approach a certain price. You will also be able to receive price alerts and news notifications.
Apart from Virgin Galactic shares, there are other financial instruments available such as indices , commodities, cryptocurrencies and more. Several other stocks are available on this stock trading platform.
Capital.com fees:
Fees | Price |
Stock trading fee | Spread. 1.83 pips for Amazon. |
Forex trading fee | Spread. 0.8 pips for GBP/USD. |
Cryptocurrency trading fee | Spread. 100 pips for Bitcoin/USD. |
Inactivity fee | Free |
Withdrawal fee | Free |
83.45% retailových investorů je při obchodování na této stránce ztrátových.
3. Libertex
- Low-cost trading app with zero spreads
Another low-cost trading app with a great user interface especially for more advanced traders is Libertex. With over 250 tradable assets and 40 international awards, this platform is known and trusted worldwide.
Those who already trade with various MetaTrader 4 or MetaTrader 5 setups will be pleased to know that Libertex has integration with both. Trading stocks such as Virgin Galactic shares can be made more readable through the many tools and resources available on the website as a whole.
Libertex fees:
Fees | Amount |
Stock trading fee | Commission: 0.034% for Amazon. |
Forex trading fee | Commission: 0.008% for GBP/USD. |
Cryptocurrency trading fee | Commission: 1.23% for Bitcoin. |
Inactivity fee | $5 per month after 180 days |
Withdrawal fee | Free |
73,77 % účtů drobných investorů ztrácí peníze při obchodování CFD s tímto poskytovatelem.
4. AvaTrade
- Best futures trading platform
More advanced traders looking to trade futures can check out AvaTrade. If you want to buy Virgin Galactic shares using this platform, you also have the option to trade other stock and forex futures.
Like many of our top brokers, AvaTrade is considered an all-in-one platform, as users can trade forex , CFDs , and cryptocurrencies with zero commission.
This online broker operates internationally and is authorized and regulated by several top-tier financial authorities, including the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), the Financial Conduct Authority of South Africa, and CySEC.
AvaTrade Fees
Fees | Pricea |
CFD trading fee | Variable spread |
Forex trading fee | Spread. 0.9 pips for EUR/USD |
Cryptocurrency trading fee | Commission. 0.25% (excessive rate) for Bitcoin/USD |
Inactivity fee | $50 quarterly after three months of inactivity |
Withdrawal fee | Free |
71 % účtů drobných investorů přichází o peníze při obchodování s CFD s tímto poskytovatelem.
How to buy Virgin Galactic shares - broker comparison
Platform fees |
Stock trading fees | Forex trading fees | Overnight holding fees |
eToro | 1$ | Variable spread | Overnight holding fees for CFDs. No fees for overnight holding of stocks, ETFs and cryptocurrencies without leverage. |
Capital.com | Variable spread | Variable spread | Yes. Based on leverage for stocks, crypto and thematic assets. Based on the full value of the position for forex, commodities and indices. |
Libertex | Fee 0%-0.46% | Charge | Yes. It is collected at the end of each trading day at 21:00 GMT as interest, which can be positive or negative. |
Avatrade | Variable spread | Spread. 0.9 pips for EUR/USD | Yes. They charge this for positions that remain open after 22:00 GMT. This applies to all instruments. |
Analysis of Virgin Galactic Shares
As with other growth companies, buying Virgin Galactic shares can be complicated due to the many different factors that investors need to consider when trading. Although growth stocks are often considered a riskier investment, they can yield huge profits for those who invest well.
To discuss how to buy Virgin Galactic shares, we must first do the necessary research and understand the current technical and fundamental analysis of the stock. We must also have an idea of the Virgin Galactic stock price prediction so that we can make an informed decision.
What is Virgin Galactic?
Virgin Galactic is an American spaceflight company founded in 2004 by then-Knight Sir Richard Branson, headquartered in California and operating in New Mexico. The company is currently developing commercial spacecraft and aims to provide a new generation of space tourism, suborbital spaceflight.
Despite numerous delays spanning several years, the first fully crewed suborbital spaceflight with Branson aboard was successfully completed in July 2021. It was a pivotal moment for the company, as the founder fulfilled one of his dreams of traveling to space.
Those interested in buying Virgin Galactic shares might want to know why the company is so committed to space travel and space tourism. On its website, Branson states, "I truly hope that there will be millions of children around the world who will be intrigued and inspired by the possibility of one day going into space."
Virgin Galactic stock fundamentals
When we talk about Virgin Galactic shares, we also need to look at the company's fundamentals.
With a market cap of $4.3 billion, Virgin Galactic is considered a mid-cap company. This means that the company is already well-established in its industry as a large-cap company, but still has room to grow as a small-cap company.
The company's shares currently account for 58% of the outstanding shares, with 255 million shares outstanding. This is at the lower end of the industry average. Short interest is high, at approximately 17% as of November 15, 2021.
{etoroCFDrisk} % retailových investorů došlo ke vzniku ztráty.
Virgin Galactic's stock has missed earnings by a wide margin on its last three earnings reports this year, sending the stock to its lowest level this year. In addition, the company has been dogged by reports of flight delays and regulatory issues.
However, in a report last month, Virgin Galactic reopened ticket sales with prices starting at $450,000, and so far 700 people have booked flights to space before ticket sales closed.
Virgin Galactic Shares - Dividends
Virgin Galactic has not yet paid a dividend to its shareholders since its public offering in 2019. There is currently no news of a future dividend offering, so shareholders and investors will be relying on the Virgin Galactic share price forecast for their earnings.
Should I buy Virgin Galactic shares?
In technical analysis of Virgin Galactic stock, the company is oversold based on the Relative Strength Index (RSI). Its high this year was around $62, and its low was $14. Currently, Virgin Galactic closed at $16.73, which is relatively close to its support in the $14-15 range.
Looking at other aspects, not much has changed about the company from when it was trading at 50% to now at 10%. Yes, Virgin Galactic shares have been the victim of a few delays, but they have announced that they will use the first half of 2022 as a period of reconstruction and improvement. Even though it won't be flying for a few months, there will certainly be a lot of planning, restructuring, and development.
In some ways, Virgin Galactic shares are facing similar challenges to high-volume Tesla . When electric vehicles (EVs) were still a nascent product on the market, Tesla had to transition from an R&D company to a development and manufacturing company. It had proven the product and now needed a way to become scalable.
In this context, Virgin Galactic shares are in the process of transitioning from a research and development company to a manufacturing and scaling company. They need to prepare vehicles for further space flights.
When their two ships, the VSS Imagine and VSS Unity, fly at full capacity in 2023, they could generate up to $130 million in revenue. In addition, there have been reports of a new spacecraft called the "Delta" model, which aims to have a shorter turnaround time and ultimately produce more flights per month.
Virgin Galactic's revenue is estimated to reach $1.7 billion in 2023.
Is it worth investing in Virgin Galactic shares?
Given everything we've mentioned about Virgin Galactic stock, the company's short-term prospects aren't that great, but the medium- and long-term prospects look promising. Again, nothing has changed for the company since the price pumped up to $50 to the current $15 level.
{etoroCFDrisk} % retailových investorů došlo ke vzniku ztráty.
Důležité je také zvážit odvětví, jehož jsou akcie Virgin Galactic součástí. Jedna zpráva odhaduje, že celosvětový trh suborbitální dopravy a vesmírné turistiky dosáhne v roce 2031 hodnoty 2,58 miliardy dolarů.
Ti, kdo hledají střednědobou až dlouhodobou investici do akcií, by rozhodně měli zvážit, zda se jim vyplatí investovat do společnosti Virgin Galactic a zda by měli akcie Virgin Galactic koupit. Každý obchodník při pohledu na denní graf může říci, že uživatelé nakupují za diskontní cenu a při tak vysokém zájmu o krátké pozice existuje také potenciál pro short-squeeze.
Předpověď ceny akcií Virgin Galactic
Bez jakýchkoli velkých zpráv pro akcie Virgin Galactic nebo odvětví, ve kterém působí, je možné říci, že by akcie mohly mít boční trend (cena nebude klesat ani stoupat), protože se blíží k podpoře. Výkladů předpovědi ceny akcií Virgin Galactic by mohlo být mnoho, ale dalo by se říci, že s tím, jak se růstová odvětví po svém letošním propadu zvedají, bychom se mohli dočkat zlepšení ceny akcií Virgin Galactic.
Jelikož se opět jedná o společnost se střední tržní kapitalizací, mohou akcie Virgin Galactic při vhodných podmínkách udělat obrovské výkyvy, stejně jako tomu bylo v únoru a červenci loňského roku. Investoři a obchodníci znají běžné rčení "kupuj fámy, prodávej zprávy" a ti, kteří touto metodou krátkodobě nakoupili akcie Virgin Galactic, mohli zaznamenat úspěch.
Nakonec předpověď ceny akcií Virgin Galactic vyžaduje, aby investoři zjistili, jak podhodnocené mohou akcie být, a sledovali, jak se jim bude dařit v nadcházejících měsících, zejména ve fázi takzvaného "vylepšování". Pokrok společnosti se zdá být v této fázi poměrně nejasný, ale poté se zdá, že je zde velký růstový potenciál.
Jak začít investovat do akcí Virgin Galactic na eToro
V této poslední části vám ukážeme návod krok za krokem, jak nakoupit akcie Virgin Galactic prostřednictvím eTora. Postupujte podle následujících pokynů a otevřete si účet a začněte investovat do akcií a dalších finančních nástrojů pomocí eToro.
Krok 1. Vytvořte si účet
Přejděte na stránky eToro a stiskněte tlačítko Join Now. Účet byste si měli být schopni vytvořit pomocí e-mailové adresy nebo prostřednictvím účtu na Facebooku či Googlu. Vyplňte potřebné údaje.
{etoroCFDrisk} % retailových investorů došlo ke vzniku ztráty.
Krok 2. Nahrajte občanský průkaz
V tomto dalším kroku budete muset ověřit svou totožnost, abyste mohli vkládat peníze a provádět reálné obchody. Nahrajte zřetelnou fotografii platného průkazu totožnosti, jako je pas nebo řidičský průkaz, a pokračujte podle pokynů, které vám eToro poskytne. Po odeslání všech dokumentů vyčkejte několik dní na jejich zpracování.
Krok 3. Vložte finanční prostředky
Jakmile eToro kompletně ověří váš účet, můžete nyní vložit finanční prostředky. Vyberte si z široké nabídky platebních možností a nezapomeňte dodržet pravidla pro minimální vklad. V mnoha zemích je to 50 dolarů. Mějte také na paměti, že ačkoli můžete svůj kapitál zobrazit v librách, eToro funguje a obchoduje se zde v dolarech.
Krok 4. Nakupte akcie Virgin Galactic!
Přejděte do vyhledávacího řádku, zadejte ticker symbol "SPCE" a až se objeví, klikněte na tlačítko "Trade". Do objednávkového formuláře zadejte, kolik akcií chcete koupit.
{etoroCFDrisk} % retailových investorů došlo ke vzniku ztráty.
V této části můžete také nastavit své stop lossy a kdy vybrat zisky. To vám umožní uzavřít obchod, když dosáhne určité ceny. Než se pokusíte tyto funkce používat, nezapomeňte si zkontrolovat a plně pochopit svou obchodní strategii.
Ať už je to proto, že se domníváte, že je společnost podhodnocená a může si dlouhodobě polepšit, nebo je cena na základě grafu ve slevě a má velký býčí tlak, nákup akcií Virgin Galactic se zdá být rozumný v závislosti na vaší strategii. Budeme si však také muset počkat, jaké nové zvěsti se objeví a jaké konkrétní zprávy se nám ohledně této společnosti i celého odvětví vesmírných letů dostanou.
Pokud chcete koupit akcie Virgin Galactic, investujte a nakupujte akcie prostřednictvím platformy eToro. Klikněte na odkaz níže a začněte obchodovat!
eToro - Nejlepší obchodní platforma pro nákup akcií Virgin Galactic
{etoroCFDrisk} % retailových investorů došlo ke vzniku ztráty.
Často kladené otázky
What is Virgin Galactic?
Can I buy Virgin Galactic shares from abroad?
Is it a good idea to buy Virgin Galactic shares?
Can I invest in Virgin Galactic shares from the Czech Republic?
Can I buy Virgin Galactic shares on eToro?
How can I invest in Virgin Galactic?