Social Trading в България – наръчник 2025
Trading can sometimes be a lonely endeavor, but it doesn’t have to be. With social trading, you can connect with other traders from all over the world. The popularity of social trading in Bulgaria has grown tremendously in recent years.
Besides being more fun, social trading has other advantages. It is a great way to learn new trading strategies and monitor market sentiment regarding a given asset.
If you’re thinking about trying social trading in the UK, this guide is for you. We’ll explain everything you need to know about social trading networks and look at social trading platforms you can get started with today.
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What is Social Trading?
Social trading is a type of trading where you interact with and learn from other traders. These traders may be like you or highly profitable professionals who serve as role models for you.
The idea of social trading in Bulgaria is that you can learn from others. With social trading platforms, you can share information about your own sessions, explain why you made a certain decision or ask other traders about their motives; or comment on a session to praise it or start a discussion.
How does Social Trading work?
Social trading in Bulgaria works much like all other popular social networks. Except that instead of sharing photos or status updates, participants in social trading networks share trading information.
Following other traders
To get started using a social trading network, the first thing you need to do is find other traders to follow. The best social trading platforms have a discovery feature that shows you traders you might want to follow based on the industries and assets you trade. You can also see the most profitable traders on the network.
Всеки търговец си има своя профилна страница, така че лесно можете да я прегледате, за да разберете повече за всеки търговец, който смятате да последвате. На профилната страница може да има информация за търговеца, като например дали е аматьор, търговец на непълен работен ден или професионалист, какви активи предпочита и какви стратегии за търговия използва.
Ще може да видите и текущият му портфейл от позиции, както и история на сесиите. Няма информация за сумите, с която разполагат индивидуалните търговци, но можете да видите възвръщаемостта в процентно изражения за всяка сесия, както и каква част от общия им портфейл представлява дадена позиция.
Новини и коментари
След като вече сте си избрали няколко търговци, които да следите, в персоналния ви нюзфийд ще започнат да се появяват новини от тези търговци. Обикновено те представляват хронологична поредица от нови сесии, коментари и други дейности в социалната мрежа за търговия. Това е полезен и удобен начин да сте в час с покупките и продажбите на други търговци, което може да ви даде идеи за търговия.
Друг ключов аспект на social trading приложенията, е че те са интерактивни. Останалите търговци могат да ви следват, след като създадете профила си. Освен това можете да коментирате активността на други търговци. Например, може да поискате да поздравите друг търговец за дадена печеливша позиция или пък да попитате как са решили да влязат в тази позиция.
Social trading в България може да е страхотен начин да получавате повече информация за стратегии за търговия или пък да разберете какво мислят други търговци за дадена компания. Коментарите са публични, така че често в тях се включват и други търговци. Сравнително лесно е да предизвикате задълбочена дискусия за предимствата на даден актив или стратегия за търговия.
Проучване на пазарните нагласи
Една допълнителна функционалност, която най-добрите social trading платформи предлагат, е възможността бързо да проучите нагласите на пазара около даден актив. В популярната social trading платформа eToro данните за отворените позиции на търговците се събират от цялата платформа. Така можете лесно да видите какъв процент от трейдърите купуват или продават този актив и да вземете предвид това, когато вземате решение дали да инвестирате или не.
Копиране на търговия
Друг ключов елемент на много social trading платформи е копирането на търговия или copy trading. При тази практика можете да правите повече от просто следене на портфейлите на други търговци. Всъщност можете да ги имитирате със собствения си портфейл, така че да печелите, когато печелят и те.
Копирането на търговия може да е изключително полезно за начинаещите трейдъри. Просто намирате по-опитен търговец с история на печеливши сесии и толеранс на риска, подобен на вашия. След това правите настройки за копиране на търговия и просто си седите, докато по-опитният търговец върши трудната работа да открива възможности за търговия и да интерпретира сигналите на пазара.
Even better, you can set aside as much of your portfolio as you like for copy trading. For example, let’s say you have £5,000 in your account. You can use copy trading to create a £2,500 forex social trading portfolio that runs on autopilot. You can then manually trade the remaining £2,500, buying stocks for example, to diversify your account.
Example of Social Trading in Bulgaria
To show you how social trading works, let’s look at an example of forex social trading with eToro. We’ll focus on the EUR/USD currency pair, which is one of the leading pairs in forex trading.
On the eToro social trading network, the EUR/USD forex pair has its own newsfeed. You can quickly browse it to see what other traders are saying about the currency. In addition, eToro also shows the number of traders watching the currency, how many traders on the network currently have open positions, and how many of those positions are „bullish“ or „bearish.“
Based on all this information, you can decide whether EUR/USD is a good option to trade and whether to buy or sell the currency pair. If you are not convinced that EUR/USD is the right choice for you, eToro also shows other related assets based on what other traders are buying and selling.
Advantages of Social Trading
Social trading has been gaining tremendous popularity in Bulgaria in recent years. This is largely due to the fact that this type of trading offers some advantages compared to traditional trading. Let’s take a closer look at the leading advantages of social trading.
You learn from other traders
The best thing about social trading is that it offers an opportunity to learn. Since you can see other traders’ portfolios, you can get a better feel for how to diversify your assets and how to decide how much money to bet in a given session. You can also see when traders enter or exit positions, which gives you valuable information about their strategies and risk management techniques.
On top of that, you are not limited to information you can glean solely from watching other traders’ portfolios. If you don’t understand why a more experienced trader did something, you can simply ask them! On social trading platforms, it is very easy to start a conversation about everything from individual sessions to broader strategies.
You get to know the market
Another important advantage of social trading in Bulgaria is that trading on a social network provides you with additional information about the market. Data on trading on a social network is public, so you can find out whether investors are optimistic or pessimistic about a given asset before you open a position. This is very useful, since it is often difficult to understand what the mood of other traders is regarding a given company, currency or commodity.
Additionally, it is possible to use other traders’ research on a given asset to make better trading decisions. You may analyze a position in one way, but another trader may publish a different analysis for the same position. Access to this additional information allows you to make better decisions and be more profitable.
Follow the latest news
Social trading platforms offer a way to stay up to date with market news. News and events that could move the market are likely to appear in your newsfeed very quickly. The sooner you know about them, the faster you can react and potentially profit.
Automate your trading
It’s hard to underestimate the benefits of copy trading offers. With this type of trading, you can leave your portfolio in the hands of experienced traders with a strong track record of winning. It’s like having your own portfolio manager – for free or at a fraction of the cost.
Additionally, since copy trading is an automated process, it also saves you a lot of work. This in itself is a huge advantage for part-time traders who have to balance work, home, and trading time.
You are building a trading community
For many traders, the main benefit of social trading in Bulgaria is not the additional information or automation at all. They value social trading platforms because they bring traders together.
Social trading apps and platforms help create communities among traders. Traders can congratulate each other after a good trade and console each other after a bad one. This sense of community makes trading much more fun in the long run.
Risks of Social Trading
The main risk of social trading is that it’s easy to lean too heavily on other traders. While it is tempting to believe that more experienced traders with winning records are right in many cases, a winning record is no guarantee that they are right about a future trade. Following what other traders say without doing your own analysis can be a recipe for trouble.
The main risk with social trading is that you can easily start to rely too much on other traders. Many people have multiple brokerage accounts, so it’s possible that the portfolio you see is only a small part of a trader’s total portfolio.
Social media for trading can be a useful tool, but it is important to use it as a crutch. Always do your own research. Other traders can be helpful and supportive, but ultimately you are responsible for your own decisions.
Best Social Trading Platforms
Choosing the right social trading platform is of great importance for your experience. Many social trading platforms in Bulgaria have similar and similar functionalities, but they often differ in the way they are implemented. In addition, different brokers offer different assets for trading and have different pricing structures.
With that in mind, let’s take a look at the top social trading platforms in Bulgaria right now:
1. – Social Trading via MetaTrader Market is a UK-based broker that is authorized and regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) and currently has over 780,000 clients worldwide.
With, users have access to over 3,000+ global markets covering stocks, indices, currencies, commodities and cryptocurrencies. offers zero commission on opening and closing trades, as well as zero commission on deposits and withdrawals!
You can trade using the MetaTrader 4 trading platform, where you have free access to the MetaTrader Marketplace. There you can find trading signals and copy trading services.
In fact, you can follow how other online traders are performing and copy them if you want – with one click!
Opening an account only takes a few minutes and the minimum deposit is just £20!
83.45% от сметките на инвеститорите на дребно губят пари при търговия с CFD с този доставчик.
2. AvaTrade - Social Trading via the FCA-regulated AvaSocial App
AvaTrade is a globally regulated broker that offers strong oversight from the Central Bank of Ireland, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, the Japanese Financial Services Agency, and more.
The broker provides the opportunity to trade over 1250+ global markets, covering stocks, bonds, forex, cryptocurrencies, indices, etc. from CFD accounts, as well as spread betting, options, and swap-free Islamic accounts.
With AvaTrade, you have access to a copy trading service from the MetaTrader Market place on the MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 platforms that the broker provides.
The broker also provides access to AvaSocial, which is a social trading application through which you can communicate with other traders.
You can also copy their trades through the app, which is a partnership with an FCA-regulated fintech company.
Вашия капитал е в риск.
3. eToro – best Social Trading platform in Bulgaria overall
eToro offers the best social trading platform in Bulgaria overall. With social trading on eToro, you get access to a highly personalized newsfeed and the ability to quickly see traders' full positions. The platform offers an easy way to comment on sessions and news, which stimulates discussions between traders. In addition, eToro shows how many traders on the network are buying or selling each asset.
eToro’s social trading network also supports copy trading. You can easily find experts who have a proven track record of consistently profitable trading. If you’re good enough to be copied, eToro’s Popular Investor program offers the opportunity to earn money based on the number of traders who follow you.
Another great thing about eToro is that it offers an incredibly wide range of assets. You can easily buy stocks and trade ETFs directly or through contracts for difference (CFDs). CFD trading is also available for forex, cryptocurrencies, commodities and bonds.
{etoroCFDrisk} % от сметките на инвеститорите на дребно губят пари при търговия с CFD (догвори за разлика)
4. Libertex - Social Trading via MetaTrader signals
Libertex is one of the world's leading CFD brokers with over 23 years of history and more than 2.9 million clients from over 120 countries worldwide.
The broker is authorized and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission, which provides strong peace of mind to traders.
With Libertex you can trade with zero spreads on 200+ markets covering forex, indices, commodities, currencies, cryptocurrencies and more.
Since Libertex offers the MetaTrader 4 trading platform, you have access to MetaTrader Signals through it. This allows you to see the results of other traders through the platform and copy their trades in your own account.
You can also interact with them on their forum for each signal provider. A great way to learn more!
73,77% от сметките на инвеститорите на дребно губят пари, когато търгуват CFD с този доставчик.
Social Trading - Pros and Cons
Learn how to start practicing Social Trading on eToro
Are you ready to jump into social trading? We'll show you how to get started with eToro, one of the best social trading platforms in Bulgaria. eToro offers a great social trading app and trading on a wide variety of assets.
To start trading with eToro, go to the broker’s website and click „Join Now“ to open a new account. You will need to create a new username and password, then enter personal details such as your name, email, and date of birth. eToro also requires you to verify your identity in accordance with government regulations. You can do this by uploading a copy of your passport/ID card or driver’s license and a copy of a recent utility bill or bank statement. Before you can start trading, you need to fund your account. eToro requires a minimum deposit of £140, which you can transfer via debit or credit card, e-wallet or bank transfer. Now you are ready to start using the eToro social trading network. You can find other traders to follow in your newsfeed or go directly to an asset’s page to see what other traders are saying about it. You will also find top assets to trade, When you have found the asset you want to trade, click „Trade“ to open a new order form. Enter the amount you want to invest and whether you want to use leverage in your trade. We also recommend setting a stop loss level to limit your risk. When you are ready, click „Trade“ to place your first social trading order on eToro.Step 1: Open an eToro account
Step 2: Fund your account
Step 3: Explore the social network and start trading
Social trading in Bulgaria is a great way to learn more about the markets and improve your trading strategy. With social trading, you gain access to a large community of traders, including professionals with a long history of winning. Whether you trade on your own, using data from social trading accounts for guidance, or you practice copy trading, social trading can help you become a better trader. Are you ready to dive into the world of social trading? Get started today with eToro!
{etoroCFDrisk} % от сметките на инвеститорите на дребно губят пари при търговия с CFD (догвори за разлика)Conclusion
eToro – the best Social Trading platform in Bulgaria
Frequently asked questions:
What is the best social trading app?
Does social trading improve my chances of making money?
Can social trading be practiced on MT4?
How do I find other traders to follow?
Is copy trading free?
Can I customize my newsfeed?